Tag: Training

Showing all FAQ content tagged or categorized under Training:

Where is regional state-wide database training held?
For the last 3 years, NSW.net has been conducting state-wide database training at five regional locations: Port Macquarie, Singleton, Lismore, Dubbo and Wagga Wagga. These locations have facilities which cater to our needs for fast reliable internet access and training facilities.
Will online training courses be developed by NSW.net in the near future?
Yes. NSW.net is in the process of developing online training courses in addition to the face-to-face state-wide database training. This material will be available on the NSW.net web site later on in the year.
What training is planned for the next 12 months?
Training courses on some of the state-wide databases are developed annually and delivered by NSW.net at the State Library and at regional locations for metropolitan and country public library staff. To find out about scheduled training, check out our Events and Calendar pages.