Marketing Resources

Now that you’ve maximised the accessibility of your eResource collections by following the simple strategies outlined in the Best Practice Guide and participated in the various eResource training opportunities it’s time to think about marketing. 

Developing a multi-pronged marketing strategy is about identifying which client group will benefit from an awareness of a particular eResource product and formulating the most appropriate means by which to communicate and engage with your targeted group.

To assist you in this process has compiled a list of useful marketing sites that step you through this process.  You will also find links to vendor marketing material, email templates and user guides.


Media and Marketing templates can be a quick and easy way to draft correspondence to library patrons, schools, local businesses and the media. The following vendors provide a range of Marketing and Media templates:


Developing a strategy for marketing your digital content will help raise the awareness of your eResource collection amongst staff and clients. The following links will provide you with useful marketing ideas and some inspiration. Please also refer to the Marketing Guides section for additional promotional material.

General Marketing Literature

Vendor Marketing Material


Many eResource vendors provide useful user guides and promotional material such as posters and bookmarks. These user guides, which range from simple pdf documents through to comprehensive video tutorials, are a great way to provide assistance to clients browsing your website. We recommend that you place a link to the corresponding user guide next to the description of the eResource title on your website. Please note: product specific user guides and promotional material is also listed on the individual product pages for the State-wide and Consortia Opt-in resources.
