eBooks and Audiobooks
, UpdatedFor the latest thoughts on eLending and libraries we recommend that you view a recent episode of the American Libraries Live vodcast series.
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For the latest thoughts on eLending and libraries we recommend that you view a recent episode of the American Libraries Live vodcast series.
...Dr Rebecca Giblin and Associate Professor Kimberlee Weatherall have published an illuminating article exploring the impact of ebooks on Australian public libraries from a regulatory perspective.
...A new report published by Stichting Bibliotheek and Bibnet provides a comprehensive comparative analysi
...The current state of play regarding content availability for eLending from the Big 5 publishers.
Following on from the 2012 eLending Background paper, IFLA has released a new update on eBooks and libraries providing a con
...The provision of eBook content by public libraries is not surprisingly proving to be a challenge in many countries around the globe.
...Ryan Phillips is the Library Officer - Technology at Parramatta City Library.
Nathan Turner is the e-Resources Librarian for Parramatta City Library.
Sue McKerracher, Executive Director at Australian Library and Information Association .