Marketing Strategies

This section looks at establishing clearly what you expect to gain from the promotion and identifying a strategy to pitch to others if required.  A strategy is a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim. Develop a strategy through discussion with key staff on what you expect to achieve through promotion. Consider the following broad options: 

  • intensify current use - increase use of the eResources among groups that are currently aware of them
  • broaden the range of users - promote use to existing users who are not currently aware of their value
  • broaden the library’s reach by generating new users - promote the eResources to groups who do not currently use the library but are likely to have interest in the service
  • increase use through service development - create new services from the eResources (e.g. current awareness) that could both intensify use and attract new users.

While each of these strategies may require similar development processes, the messages, language and distribution channels can be quite distinct.

Decide which is the most feasible and likely to provide the most gain. You can adopt more than one strategy, but if so, it may be better to stage such actions so as to minimize confusion and workload.
