Smithsonian Collections Online

Vendor Database Consortia

Smithsonian Collections Online includes the following parts

  • Smithsonian and Air and Space Magazines 1970 – current
  • Trade Literature and the Merchandizing of Industry
  • World Fairs and Exhibitions, Visions of Tomorrow
  • Evolution of Flight 1784 – 1991


Air & Space Magazine and Smithsonian Magazine provides access to the full history of both of these magazines, and brings together expert coverage of topics and unique insights into aviation, space, innovation, history, science, technology, and culture.

Trade Literature and the Merchandizing of Industry explores industries that emerged in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries through via catalogs, pamphlets, advertising materials, and ephemera.

World's Fairs and Expositions: Visions of Tomorrow gives access to primary source documents about landmark exhibits from 1840 to 1923 .

Evolution of Flight, 1784-1991 provides a wealth of primary documents ranging from the early era of aviation to the high-tech air fleets of the twentieth century.

This product has not been evaluated by the Content Working Group.  It is recommended that  Public Libraries which are interested in this product request a trial from the vendor to undertake their own assessment. 




Online Database

Content Type

Archival Records
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Vendor Contact

Nick Schapowal
Gale Sales Representative
Mobile: 0439 090 496
Level 7, 80 Dorcas Street
South Melbourne
VIC 3205